Diocesan News & Messages


  • Penang Diocese Admin
  • 18/10/2024
The Asian Forum of Infant Jesus (IJ) Sisters and Lay Partners held their 3rd Forum in Penang, Malaysia from 17-22 October 2024. The reflection theme of the forum was “If only you knew the gift of God, let us share this gift with our world, thirsting for life-giving water” (John 4:10). The event was hosted by Sr. Mary Theresa Chua, Provincial of the Infant Jesus Sisters of Malaysia (officially known as the Lady Superior of the Society of Saint Maur) and the Province of Malaysia.

The Asian Forum opened with the choir of the Convent Datuk Keramat, Penang, rendering a welcome song for the attendees. Forty-two participants from the Provinces of Malaysia, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, and the District of Myanmar gathered to foster bonding, deepen their IJ spirituality, and respond to the call of the IJ Mission. The forum also served as a time for IJ Sisters and lay companions to discern their charism of life—a charism that must come alive in the new realities of the present age, as they continue working in their ministries with inspiration and renewed vigor moving forward.

Sr. Mary Theresa expressed that it was fortuitous for the group to meet in Penang, where they could trace the footsteps of dear Mother Mathilde, who spearheaded the IJ Mission not only in Malaysia and Singapore but also to Japan, realizing her dream. She emphasized the importance of getting to know one another while working towards a common vision of making Jesus Christ known and loved. The charism bestowed upon both the IJ Sisters and lay companions is a gift to be shared on this journey together in faith, hope, and trust. She also extended heartfelt thanks to Sr. Brigitte, their Mother General, and Sr. Marina and Sr. Felicia of the General Council for their blessings on this grace-filled gathering. Gratitude was also extended to Sr. Elizabeth Wong, a member of the Malaysian Provincial Team, and Angela Tan, the Secretary of the Asian Forum. Due to medical reasons, Sr. Mary Theresa was unable to be present in person but assured everyone that she was with them in spirit.

Sr. Jane Sinprayoon, General Councilor, delivered the keynote address, emphasizing that despite the diversity of experiences, cultures, and perspectives among the IJ Sisters, their united common purpose remains to live out and advance the IJ Mission, following the inspiring footsteps of Mother Mathilde Raclot. Mother Mathilde's legacy is one of courage, faith, and unwavering commitment to education and service. Her pioneering spirit led her to establish schools, orphanages, and communities across Asia that have transformed countless lives. Sr. Jane highlighted how Mother Mathilde’s nurturing of young minds, support for communities, and outreach to the needy embodied the love and compassion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. She concluded her speech by encouraging the attendees to journey together, reminding them of Mother Mathilde's words: “Let us be promoters of peace at all levels, from home to the workplace to the world.” Sr. Jane called on everyone to open their hearts to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, trusting that their time together would bear much fruit for the glory of God and the good of those they serve.

Cardinal Sebastian Francis, Bishop of Penang, addressed the IJ Sisters as the dear daughters of Nicholas Barre of Asia. He shared his long association with the IJ Sisters, noting their transition from a highly visible presence in the 1950s and 1960s to the post-Vatican II reforms and a shift in orientation toward the option for the poor in the 1970s. In light of Synod 2024, Cardinal Sebastian pointed to a new dynamic called "conversations in the Holy Spirit," which emphasizes remaining faithful to the process of discernment as a way forward. He noted that the Asian and Universal Church are both creative, inclusive, and bridge-building, and that the IJ Sisters' Vision, Mission, and Charisms align with this by being at home with the last, least, little, lost, and lowly.

Cardinal Sebastian proposed a new paradigm for the Vision and Mission of the Church, moving from a focus on Clergy, Religious, and Laity to a Synodal Church of Apostles, Disciples, and People of God. He called on everyone to embrace their role as Missionary Disciples of the Joy of the Gospel, the Mercy of the Father, and the Hope in the Holy Spirit.

Sr. Maria Lau, Provincial Councilor, provided an overview of the seminar structures and objectives. She highlighted the fruits of previous forums, noting that the sense of belonging to the IJ family resonated with all participants. There was also a call for Asian inter-provincial collaboration to share resources and experiences. The Laos Mission Team, which was born from the first Asian Forum in 2019, now supports four schools, contributing to the growth and development of children and youth in Laos.

Fr. Mark Raper SJ and Fr. Lawrence Andrew served as facilitators for the forum, sharing their experiences and guiding discussions in the synodal way of listening, praying, and discerning together as the Body of Christ in communion, participation, and mission.

All attendees were gifted a copy of the book "Lessons from my School: The Journey of the French Nuns and their Convent Schools," authored by Chen Yen Ling. The book was prefaced with a dedication to the Sisters who risked, labored, and sacrificed their own lives to change the lives of others through education.

By Christopher Kushi