BAYAN LEPAS, PENANG: The “Chapati Morning’ gathering on 27 January 2025 embraced the spirit of Pope Francis’s encyclical Fratelli Tutti on human fraternity and social friendship, as envisioned in the 2019 Abu Dhabi Declaration on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together. Hosted by Lajnah Dakwah PAS Penang, the gathering brought together leaders from both the Muslim and Catholic communities, demonstrating their commitment to building bridges and promoting mutual understanding.
YB Amir Hamzah warmly welcomed Cardinal Dato’ Seri Sebastian Francis, Bishop of Penang, Msgr. Jude Miranda, Penang Diocese Vicar General, Deacon Paul Kang, CEO of Mount Miriam Cancer Hospital and Christopher Kushi, Legal Officer. The event was attended by Ahli Majlis Syura Ulama PAS, Tuan Guru Hj. Ahmad Ali, President Lajnah Dakwah PAS Penang YB Amir Hamzah Hashim, Vice-President Lajnah Dakwah PAS Pusat Tuan Hj. Abdul Rahman and PAS members.
In his welcome address, YB Amir Hamzah, who is also the ADUN of Permatang Pasir, emphasized the importance of maintaining and strengthening the bonds of friendship with Cardinal Sebastian Francis and members of the Catholic Diocese of Penang. He highlighted that this gathering serves as an exemplary model for the younger generations, showcasing the spirit of co-existence and the ability to meet and work together. Tuan Guru Ahmad Ali echoed these sentiments stressing that Islam places great importance on fostering good human relationships and cultivating love among all people.
Cardinal Sebastian expressed his happiness for the strong friendship that has developed with PAS since he became the Bishop of Penang. Cardinal noted this shared commitment to friendship and collaboration, and since PAS is also a political party, to ensuring the good governance of Malaysia.
Tn. Abdul Rahman, also reflected on these deep-rooted bonds, noting recent meetings between Cardinal Sebastian and Mursyidul Am Tuan Guru Dato’ Hashim Jasin, PAS President Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang, Vice-President of PAS Datuk Idris Ahmad, and MB Kelantan Dato’ Panglima Dr. Mohamed Fadzil Hassan.
The 2019 Abu Dhabi Declaration signed by His Holiness Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al Azhar Sheikh Ahmad Al-Tayyeb concludes that the closeness between East and West, North and South, and between all who believe that God created us, to understand one another, cooperate with one another and live as brothers and sisters who love one another, with the aim of finding a universal peace that all can enjoy in this life.
By Christopher Kushi