Diocesan News & Messages

Synodal Encounter with Migrants & Refugees in Diocese of Penang

  • Penang Diocese Admin
  • 29/09/2024
The 110th World Day of Migrants and Refugees with the theme *’God Walks with his People’* was joyfully celebrated in the Diocese of Penang, at the Church of the Sacred Heart, Kampar, Perak on 28-29 September 2024. Cardinal Sebastian Francis, Bishop of Penang conveyed his Blessings for all Migrants and Refugees.

Parish priest Fr. Simon Anand together with the Putri Karmel Sisters, Caritas Penang, Parish Migrant Ministry, parishioners and volunteers all undertook the synodal identity of encountering with the 500 over migrant and refugee community. All attendees were gifted a cap with the Migrant Day theme.

Pope Francis in the Migrant Day 2024 message has said that an encounter with the migrant, “is also an encounter with Christ, in this sense, the poor save us, because they enable us to encounter the face of the Lord as we journey together towards the Kingdom of Heaven”.
The events began on Saturday night with spiritual inputs, praise & worship, adoration led by the Congregation of Putri Karmel Sr. Irene Marie, Sr. Mary Bridget and Sr. Mary Odilia. Mass was celebrated by Parish Priest Fr. Simon Anand and in his homily highlighted how God continues to precede and accompany at every migration from biblical times to present. Migrants therefore are living image of God’s People journeying to the eternal homeland.

Migrant Sunday also had a Fellowship lunch, Medical camp with the assistance of Hospital UTAR, Klinik Kesihatan, Persatuan Tzu Chi and game activities.
Fr. Simon Anand said that the Church of the Sacred Heart has become synonymous with migrant ministry because the great numbers of migrants in the area notably Indonesians, Timor Leste, Myanmar, Vietnamese among others. Key areas of assistance are in individual documentation. The relevant Embassies all assist when needed. Medical and health issues are another focus, with the assistance of specialist, doctors, dentist and nurses. We thank them all!
Pope Francis exhorts all on this day dedicated to migrants and refugees, to unite in prayer for all those who have to leave their land in search of dignified living conditions. May we journey together with them, be ‘synodal’ together, and entrust them to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a sign of sure hope and consolation to the faithful People of God as they continue their journey.
By Christopher Kushi